Cash and Research How a veteran of Abdali’s Indian invasions laid the foundations of… منډيګک اداره Apr 11, 2019 0 Most of the princely states which acceded to Pakistan at the time of Partition have their roots in tribal chiefdoms that emerged…
From Historical Pages Bala Hissar, Kabul منډيګک اداره Apr 10, 2019 0 An Indian surveyor Sayyid Ghulam Muhammad gives the following description of Bala Hisar of Kabul in circa 1780 AD (during reign of…
Afghanistan Afghan National Anthem منډيګک اداره Apr 9, 2019 0 The "Afghan National Anthem" was adopted and officially announced as such by a Loya Jirga in May 2006. According to article 20 of…
Constitution Constitutions of Afghanistan منډيګک اداره Apr 7, 2019 0 Royal Promulgation We, Mohammad Zahir Shah, the King of Afghanistan, in the name of Almighty God, do here with sign the new…